Hassle-free parking, connected by skywalk.
Park your car and take the skywalk to the second-floor entrance of the Radisson Plaza Hotel. Your car will be protected from hot summer sun and winter snow. Our covered parking structure has 900+ parking spaces, with 20 handicap-accessible spots and a gradual ramp to accommodate guests with accessibility needs, rolling luggage, or children in strollers.
Convenient location and access in downtown Kalamazoo.
The parking structure is located at the intersection of Rose Street and West Michigan Avenue in downtown Kalamazoo. There are two entrances, one on Rose Street and another on Church Street. The three-lane exit opens onto Church Street.
For more information on parking, please visit our front desk or call 269.343.3333.
World-class valet service you can trust.
Our certified and insured valet drivers take pleasure to park for you. Our valet services extend to our overnight hotel guests at $30 for unlimited services and just $10 for our guests dining at Brick and Brine.
Hours 1 – 4: $2.75 per hour
After 4 hours: $2.00 per hour
Daily maximum: $35.00
Lost ticket: $35.00
- Credit/debit cards are accepted at the exit gate. No cash accepted.
General monthly pass: $120.00 per month
- Includes parking for one vehicle in any unmarked space in the ramp and unlimited in/out use for that vehicle.
Monthly pass with reserved space: $160.00 per month
- Includes parking for one vehicle in a designated, reserved space and unlimited in/out use for that vehicle.
Step 1:
Complete the parking application.
Step 2:
Allow up to 2 business days for processing. You’ll be notified via email when your parking pass is ready to pick up.
Step 3:
Pick up your pass at the front desk in the first floor lobby of the Radisson.
Step 4:
Start using your pass to park.
Automatic payments are charged on the 5th of every month, using your credit/debit card on file.
If you need more information on hourly and overnight guest parking, visit our front desk or call 269.343.3333.
For additional information on monthly parking, email us at radissonparking@ghgkz.com.
Monthly Parking FAQs
If you lose your parking card, contact Radisson Parking Services at radissonparking@ghgkz.com. A replacement card will be provided at a cost of $20 within 24 business hours.
Please park in the nearest valet space and take note of the number on the space. Also collect the vehicle make, model, color and license plate of the vehicle parked in your space, if possible. Call our main line of the hotel at 269.343.3333 and inform them of the situation, the vehicle information and that you are requesting assistance from our security team. We recommend leaving your phone number as well so that the security team is able to follow up with you as needed. The security team will follow up with you when the situation has been resolved.
Please hang your parking tag on your review mirror. This allows the system to scan your tag upon driving up to the gate.
All vehicles that may be parked in the ramp must be listed on the parking form.
Any vehicle changes, whether it be a new car or a new license plate, must be updated in your parking account profile as soon as possible.
If there is a back-up due to another guest having issues, please help them find the help button on the machine and press it, or you may contact the hotel operator at 269.343.3333 so that they can send someone out to assist. Please do not use your card to let others out as then the card will not work to let you out afterwards.
You must notify Radisson Parking Services at radissonparking@ghgkz.com in writing 10 days prior to the 1st of the month that you are looking to cancel within. Parking charges are a monthly fee and are not prorated. Your Parking Card must be turned into the Radisson front desk on the last day of parking, or a $20 card fee will be added to the account.
Please place the parking card in a sealed envelope, with Parking Services written on the front of the envelope. The envelope can then be dropped off to the Radisson front desk.
You must notify Radisson Parking Services at radissonparking@ghgkz.com in writing 10 days prior to the 1st of the month that you are looking to switch. Parking charges are a monthly fee and are not prorated.
Contact Parking Services at radissonparking@ghgkz.com for availability. We will assist you in finding a reserved parking spot, once the space is selected, we will update your billing information.
We currently only accept automatic payments via credit or debit card within your parking profile. Payments are due by the 5th of the month.
Still have questions that were not addressed here? Please contact Radisson Parking Services at 269.492.6862 or radissonparking@ghgkz.com.